Fire guts four stores on Regent Street

A Regent Street businessman collapsed and died early Tuesday morning, after seeing the flames of a raging fire devour his business place. The fire destroyed three other businesses – a duplex that housed a store of the Clairan’s chain and a Chinese-owned business, and Boyo’s Fashion, and left in its wake millions of dollars in losses. Lucky Dollar Furniture Store and the Creole Corner Restaurant, which are in close proximity, were also damaged, and several persons were injured.

Millions of dollars went up in flames when fire destroyed four stores on Regent Street, Georgetown
The gutted buildings moments after the fire was put out

The 65-year-old co-owner of Indra’s Fashion, Ramdat Sheowprasad succumbed at a private medical institution just after 6: 00hrs, leaving his family in a state of shock and to deal with the heavy losses suffered as a result of the fire.
The dead man, along with his wife, their son and daughter-in-law lived in the upper flat of the business place. The fire, which started at about 05: 00hrs, completely gutted the Clairan’s building.
At the scene on Tuesday morning, fire officials were busily assessing the damage, while trying to ascertain the cause of the blaze.
The City Mall, which came under threat, was saved as a result of the materials used on the exterior. Guyana Times International understands that the Troweltex that was used on its exterior is fireproof.
Another building that used that same material was the Creole Corner Restaurant.
Balram Sheowprasad, son of the dead businessman, explained that he was awakened by the loud screams of “Fire! Fire” and upon looking out, he saw the huge flames a few buildings away.
He said that at that particular time, the fire was just about three feet wide, but later turned into a gigantic flame which quickly spread through the block. He said that after he saw the fire, he dialled 911 but although he repeatedly called, no one answered and he then decided to dial 913. Upon seeing the fire, his father suffered a heart attack and was rushed to the hospital where he later succumbed.
The fire tenders arrived at the scene within minutes and firefighters started to battle the blaze, but had the wrong approach, the man said. “Rather than them trying to salvage the untouched buildings, they tackle the fire head on resulting in it spreading very fast to the nearby businesses. It is obvious that if the stores sell clothing, the fire will walk through at a fast rate, but the firefighters could have done more,” the frustrated man explained.
The distraught Sheowprasad stated that he was not too worried about the losses that have occurred as a result of the fire, but rather the death of his father. He recalled that the store was previously destroyed by fire in 1987, stating that the then Yassin’s Store, which was located where Lucky Dollar is now situated, was also destroyed by fire.
At the scene, Fire Chief Marlon Gentle stated that they received a report of a fire on Regent Street at about 5: 15hrs, and three units were immediately dispatched: one from Alberttown and two from the Central Fire Station.
He explained that by the time the firefighters arrived on the scene, the top flat of one of the buildings was already engulfed and the fire was spreading to the second.
Gentle noted that after they realised that the fire was bigger than they thought, another truck was deployed to the area.
A short while later, firefighters learnt that at least three Chinese nationals were trapped in the burning building and went to rescue them, Gentle said. One of them received burns, but they are not life threatening.
Water challenge
He added that that a third alarm was raised and another tanker and fire engine from the Campbellville Fire Station joined the existing crew. Accessing water was a huge challenge for the firefighters. The chief explained that when they went to the North Road canal for water, it was noticed that it contained a lot of debris and garbage; hence, they resorted to using the South Road Canal. Another major challenge was the fact that a number of hoses were destroyed by vehicles which drove over them while they were in operation.
He suggested that businessmen needed to raise their level of fire protection with respect to their buildings, and also recommended that they follow safety guidelines in case of an emergency.
A Division Commander George Vyphius commended the Guyana Fire Service for containing the fire which he thought could have been more devastating. He stated that it is procedure that in a case of fire, the Guyana Police Force renders assistance.
Police ranks were deployed to the location, and managed to cordon off the area. The commander stated that based on reports received, there were some looting but no one was arrested.
Also at the scene, acting town clerk Carol Sobers expressed her condolences to the Sheowprasad family. She noted that the fire will open the eyes of other businessmen to follow the building codes that are stipulated by the Mayor and City Council. She observed that buildings are constructed very close to each other and it will be one of her main focuses as she takes up her new post.

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